If you think about sugar all the time, then chances are that you are a sugar addict.
Being a sugar addict means using sugary foods and drinks for emotional and psychological dependence. You may want to stop eating sugar, but it is just too hard to stop. You may also eat sugar to smooth over any emotions; you may have difficulty passing up any sugar treat you see.
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Sugar Addiction Explained

A sugar addiction means you will use all kinds of sugary foods and drinks as an emotional and psychological dependence. Maybe you do not feel good until you have had your morning coffee filled with sugar or cream, or you cannot pass up eating a donut as you depend on having the sugar to get through the day.
Sugar addiction is a genuine concern for many health professionals in the United States and other places. And it is not always just sugary foods that can lead to sugar addiction, as processed foods and refined grains can also contribute to your sugar and glucose levels.
If you find that you emotionally eat sugar when you do not need to, or you are eating sugar even when you know it is terrible for you, chances are that you are addicted to sugar.
To be a sugar addict means that you are addicted to some form or kind of sugar.
Recent studies have found that sugar addiction can be more severe than many think. AddictionCenter.com has recently linked the properties of sugar addiction to a habit similar to cocaine addiction; sugar creates a spark of energy and a short-term high in the body, just like cocaine does.
Signs Of Sugar Addiction

If you are reading this blog post, the chances are that you are a sugar addict. It is estimated that 3 in 4 Americans are addicted to sugar.
Many different signs show you are addicted to sugar. Here are some of the signs that indicate you may be a sugar addict:

Listen To Our Podcast About What Is It Like To Be A Sugar Addict? by clicking here.
Consumption Of Large Amounts Of Sugar

One of the sure signs that you are addicted to sugar is if you consume large amounts of sugar in foods or drinks and have difficulty stopping yourself from sugar consumption. You may know that it is bad for you; maybe even your doctor told you to control your sugar consumption, yet you continue and find yourself consuming large amounts of sugar.
Eating Sugar Even When You Should Not
Another sign is if you find yourself eating sugar even when you know you should not. Maybe you just got some test results from the doctor telling you to stop eating sugar, or you will get diabetes.
You know you need to stop eating sugar, but you find yourself unable to stop even though you know it is unsuitable for you and can cause serious health problems.
Binge Eating Sugar
Do you eat large amounts of sugar and afterward find you are filled with remorse, shame, or disgust at your actions? Binge eating is one of the more problematic aspects of sugar addiction because it can be hard to stop.
A person can binge eat for many reasons. Maybe they are bored, and binge eats sugar. Or they could be sad, upset, and even happy.
A person may binge eat sugar for various reasons and in multiple ways and places. But the central aspect of binge eating is that eating sugar can give you a temporary feeling of high followed by a sense of loss. An element of binge eating is using food to help you self-meditate without dealing with the underlying root reasons.
If you think about sugar all the time or have difficulty passing up a sugary sweet or treat, then chances are you are addicted to sugar.
Emotionally Eating Sugar
One of the signs may be that you are emotionally eating sugar. Maybe you eat sugar when you feel anxious or are under a lot of stress.
Any emotional eating of sugar is usually a sign that you have a sugar addiction problem.
The danger with emotionally eating sugar is that it will usually lead to weight gain and other health problems.
If you suffer from sugar addiction, you should know that you are not alone. Many people also suffer from addiction.
But the choice with any addiction is for you to decide if you will break the habit or cycle of sugar addiction and get control of your life back. Because a keto and low-carb diet does not include carbohydrates, we recommend the diet for anyone suffering from sugar addiction.
The Kick Sugar Summit
To truly break free from sugar, it’s crucial that you stay updated about the impacts of sugar on your health. We highly recommend the Kick Sugar Summit as a valuable resource.
This summit brings together experts globally to share insights on sugar and sugar addiction. To learn more, follow the link below.
Reluctant Low Carb Life explores all aspects of keto and low-carb lifestyle, fitness, health, wellness, and aging gracefully. At the Reluctant Low Carb Life, we strive to give honest and accurate information to people trying to live the low-carb and keto lifestyle while improving their fitness and health.
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Low Carb Vs. Keto Diet Differences Explained
Both keto and low-carb are very similar diets, except keto will limit the carbohydrate intake you can have per day more than a low-carb diet. In other words, you can eat more carbohydrates on a low-carb diet than on a keto diet.
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