Guide To Using Lavender Essential Oils

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Lavender essential oil is one of the most popular oils used for centuries. There are many reasons why this essential oil continues to be extremely popular.

Lavender is a highly versatile essential oil used since ancient times. It is an essential oil that is shown to help with anxiety and reduces inflammation and infections. It is also an essential oil that smells good and can be soothing when used with a diffuser or in your bath water. We believe in adding Lavender essential oils to your healthy lifestyle and making the healthy choice for using them as they can have added health benefits.

Read on to learn more about lavender essential oils.

Table of Contents

What Is The Lavender Essential Oil?

Lavender is a highly versatile essential oil. Lavender is an essential oil that has been used for centuries.

Ancient Egyptians and Romans used lavender for bathing, cooking, and perfume. But today, this essential oil is used in various ways to help improve your physical and emotional well-being.

Read on to discover our top 8 benefits of using Lavender essential oils.

8 Top Benefits Of Lavender Essential Oils

People worldwide have used lavender for centuries as a clean, sweet scent that is thought to help reduce anxiety, improve arthritis, and ease the discomfort of aches and pains. Lavender has many health benefits and is considered one of the most important essential oils.

Here are some top 8 benefits of using Lavender Essential oils:

  • Studies have shown that lavender can help to lessen depression and anxiety. This refreshing aroma can help to calm nerves and decrease mental stress,
  • Many dermatologists worldwide believe lavender is one of the most effective oils to help treat complex skin problems such as acne.
  • Place a few drops of lavender on your temples and rub it in if you suffer migraines or headaches. Try also a drop on your upper lip.
  • Use lavender to give your bath water an aroma scent and to help calm your nerves.
  • Place lavender in an aroma therapy diffuser to help calm away your worries and mind.
  • Lavender is shown to be antioxidant-rich oil that helps to reduce inflammation.
  • Lavender is excellent for all skin types and is used for its moisturizing properties, making it great for dry skin.

As you can see from this list, lavender has many benefits. Many of these have not been approved by the FDA, so if you are using Lavender essential oils, you need to be aware that they have not been medically proven or tested to be used in any of these manners.

As lavender is non-toxic, you can try it out and see if it helps you with some of these different issues. In other words, if you put it on your pillow at night, do you sleep better? Or if you rub it on the bottom of your feet, does it help you relax and sleep at night?

What Are Lavender Essential Oils Made From?

Lavender is also known by its scientific name of Lavandual augustifolia. It is a colorful flowering plant closely related to many of the culinary herbs we use today, like rosemary, basil, oregano, thyme, and sage.

Lavender will grow about 3 feet tall and has light purple flowers and silvery green kinds of leaves. The name Lavender comes from the color of the flower on the lavender plant.

Lavender is native to the Mediterranean, Middle East, North Africa, Cape Verde, and the Canary Islands. Today it can be found in Asia, Russia, Australia, and America.

For lavender to grow, it must grow in moderate climates with sunny, temperate summers and dry yet mild winters. The lavender will thrive in sunny weather. Some of the world’s best lavender is grown in the Mediterranean due to the climate there.

Brief History Of Lavender

The first use of lavender can be traced back more than 2500 years. The ancient Egyptians used lavender in the mummification process, as well as for the fragment scent in perfumes.

Traces of lavender have even been found in the tomb of Egyptian pharaohs. The ancient Romans used lavender for a soothing fragrance while bathing.

During the 16th century in the Renaissance era in France, lavender was regarded as protection to fight against infection. In the 17th century, lavender was found to be an herbal oil.

Queen Victoria of England was a great enthusiast of lavender, which became fashionable among most young ladies. Fresh lavender was dried in muslin bags for wardrobes and to wash walls and furniture, and lavender bags to stuff between sheets and linen presses.

It can be said that during Victorian times, English lavender products became known worldwide.

The use of lavenders for medicinal, health, skin, and other benefits is not new to the world. Lavender is an herb that has been used for over 2500 years.

That is why lavender can be used to help you with your new healthy lifestyle. Put some lavender in a diffuser if you are feeling anxious or feeling that you may want to have a sugary treat that you do not need. If you’re feeling anxiety or stress, try using lavender instead of reaching for a candy bar.

If you want to learn more about lavender or purchase some doTERRA lavender, we would be happy to help you. You can find out more from my doTERRA website by clicking below.

Reluctant Low Carb Life explores all aspects of keto and low-carb lifestyle, fitness, health, wellness, and aging gracefully. At the Reluctant Low Carb Life, we strive to give honest and accurate information to people trying to live the low-carb and keto lifestyle while improving their fitness and health.

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Anita Hummel
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Reluctant Low Carb Life explores the keto and low carb lifestyles, fitness, health, wellness, and aging gracefully. We give you honest advice, accurate information, and real stories about what it means to change your life.


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