Category: Keto

  • Low Carb Diet 3 Days & Normal Diet (With Carbs) Other 4 Days

    Low Carb Diet 3 Days & Normal Diet (With Carbs) Other 4 Days

    If you decide to be on the keto diet for three days a week and go off the diet for four days a week, you will never get into ketosis and will not burn fat as energy. It can take most people several days to get their body into ketosis, but if you continue to…

  • Why Sugar Kicks You Out Of Ketosis

    Why Sugar Kicks You Out Of Ketosis

    When you decide to eat on a keto diet, it takes discipline to avoid carbohydrates and sugar. On a keto diet, you must learn to keep your sugar and carbohydrate consumption to a minimum. Eating sugar will kick you out of ketosis, and your body will stop burning fat Sugar has glucous and carbohydrates, both…

  • What Does WOE (Way Of Eating) On Keto Mean?

    What Does WOE (Way Of Eating) On Keto Mean?

    Many people are now on a keto diet. But for many they might be confused as to exactly what it means to be on a keto diet or what the WOE means. WOE means the way of eating on a keto diet. It is the type of food you should eat when you are serious…

  • Is Cane Sugar Keto Friendly?

    Is Cane Sugar Keto Friendly?

    Cane sugar is considered by many to be a natural sugar. So it is only natural that many people wonder if cane sugar can and is keto-friendly. Cane sugar is not considered keto-friendly. It is a light brown sugar made 100% from sugar cane. Even though it can be considered a more natural sugar than…

  • How Long Does It Take To Lose 50 Pounds With A Keto Diet?

    How Long Does It Take To Lose 50 Pounds With A Keto Diet?

    When many people start a new diet, they want to know how long it will take them to lose weight. We have all done this where we will try to calculate how many weeks it will take us to lose a certain amount of weight. We tell people to plan on taking 25 weeks to…

  • More Effective Weight Loss:  Keto Or Calorie Deficit?

    More Effective Weight Loss: Keto Or Calorie Deficit?

    When trying to lose weight, people want to know if the low carb and the keto diet is more effective in losing weight and not than just a calorie deficit diet. Both these diets have their plus and minuses in helping us decide which diet to follow. We find the keto diet to be a…

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Reluctant Low Carb Life explores the keto and low carb lifestyles, fitness, health, wellness, and aging gracefully. We give you honest advice, accurate information, and real stories about what it means to change your life.


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