Almost Low-Carb Sesame Chicken & Sesame Sauce Recipe

Almost Low-Carb Sesame Chicken & Sesame Sauce Recipe

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We’ve dubbed this our “Almost Low-Carb Sesame Chicken & Sauce Recipe.” While the chicken isn’t strictly keto or low-carb, it’s a reduced-carb version since we’ve omitted white flour.

We use a blend of almond flour and cornstarch for this sesame chicken. This ensures that even though it’s a healthier twist, it still packs the authentic taste, rivaling – if not surpassing – the sesame chicken you’d find in a restaurant.

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Low-Carb Sesame Chicken With Sesame Sauce
Low-Carb Sesame Chicken With Sesame Sauce

Why We Use Almond Flour For This Recipe?

Using almond flour in the “Nearly Low-Carb Sesame Chicken” is a conscious decision rooted in health considerations and flavor profiles. Here’s why almond flour is the preferred choice:

Carbohydrate Content:

Almond flour contains fewer carbohydrates compared to traditional white flour. This makes it an ideal choice for those looking to reduce their carb intake without sacrificing the breaded texture often sought in dishes like sesame chicken.

Nutritional Value:

Almond flour is rich in vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. It is exceptionally high in Vitamin E and magnesium. Integrating almond flour means not just cutting down on carbs but also boosting the overall nutritional profile of the dish.


Almond flour brings a subtle, nutty undertone to dishes. This complements the sesame seeds and enhances the overall depth of flavor in the chicken, offering a unique and delectable twist to the conventional sesame chicken.


Almond flour is a great gluten-free alternative for those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. This makes the sesame chicken more accessible to a broader range of diners.


Almond flour gives the chicken a slightly crumbly and delicate crust, which some might argue adds more sophistication to the dish’s mouthfeel.

Glycemic Index:

Almond flour has a lower glycemic index than white flour, which causes a slower rise in blood sugar levels. This can benefit those watching their blood sugar or those with diabetes.


Being rich in proteins and fats, almond flour can be more filling. This means that dishes made with almond flour can keep you satiated for longer, potentially aiding in weight management.

Using almond flour in the “Almost Low-Carb Sesame Chicken” supports the low-carb ethos and enhances the dish’s flavor, texture, and nutritional value, making it a win-win for both taste and health.

Why Use Chicken Thighs For This Recipe?

Chicken thighs are a popular choice for many dishes, and their characteristics make them particularly well-suited for the “Nearly Low-Carb Sesame Chicken.” Here’s why chicken thighs are the best choice for this recipe:

  1. Rich Flavor: Chicken thighs are darker meat, meaning they are inherently richer in flavor than chicken breasts. This robust taste complements the savory notes of the sesame sauce, ensuring that each bite is packed with umami goodness.
  2. Tenderness: Thigh meat tends to be more tender and juicy. The natural fat content in thighs ensures that the meat remains succulent during cooking, preventing it from drying. This juiciness contrasts wonderfully with the crispy outer layer achieved with the almond flour coating.
  3. Fat Content: The higher fat content in chicken thighs not only contributes to flavor but also to the texture. When cooked, this fat renders and crisps up, adding another layer of delectable crunch to the sesame chicken.
  4. Cost-Effective: Often, chicken thighs are more affordable than other cuts like chicken breasts. This makes the recipe not only delicious but also budget-friendly.
  5. Even Cooking: Thighs are relatively uniform in thickness, which promotes even cooking. This means that each piece of chicken will be uniformly tender and juicy, ensuring consistency in every bite.
  6. Versatility: Chicken thighs absorb marinades and flavors very well, which means they meld beautifully with the aromatic ingredients of the sesame sauce, enhancing the overall taste profile of the dish.
  7. Texture Compatibility: The slightly firmer texture of chicken thighs stands up well to the coating and frying process. This ensures that the meat holds its shape, yielding a dish that is aesthetically pleasing and delightful to the palate.

Using chicken thighs in the “Almost Low-Carb Sesame Chicken” recipe ensures a juicy, flavorful, and perfectly textured dish, elevating the overall dining experience.

The Monk Fruit Advantage: Sweetening The Sesame Chicken

Choosing Monk Fruit sugar as a sweetener for the sesame chicken recipe isn’t merely a whim; it’s an informed decision based on various health and culinary reasons:

  1. Natural Sweetness Without The Calories:
    Monk Fruit sugar provides a sweet flavor profile similar to regular sugar but without the associated calories. This makes the dish more accommodating to those watching their caloric intake or seeking healthier alternatives.
  2. No Impact On Blood Sugar Levels:
    Monk Fruit doesn’t significantly affect blood sugar levels, unlike many traditional sweeteners, making it a preferable choice for diabetics and those monitoring their glycemic index.
  3. Antioxidant Properties:
    Monk Fruit contains mogrosides, which are natural compounds with antioxidant properties. These antioxidants can help combat oxidative stress in the body, offering potential health benefits beyond its role as a sweetener.
  4. Tooth-Friendly:
    Monk Fruit sugar doesn’t contribute to tooth decay, unlike cane sugar. Those conscious about dental health might opt for Monk Fruit to reduce the risk of cavities.
  5. Ideal For Low-Carb Diets:
    For those on keto or other low-carb diets, Monk Fruit sugar becomes a valuable ally. It allows them to enjoy sweetened dishes without deviating from their dietary guidelines.
  6. No Aftertaste:
    Some alternative sweeteners can leave an undesirable aftertaste. However, many find that Monk Fruit Sugar offers a clean sweetness without any lingering off-flavors, ensuring the integrity of the sesame chicken’s taste profile.
  7. Versatility In Cooking:
    Monk Fruit sugar possesses excellent heat stability, making it suitable for various cooking applications, including frying, baking, and simmering.

Incorporating Monk Fruit sugar into the sesame chicken recipe is a conscious nod to both health and taste, ensuring the dish remains delicious and aligned with modern dietary preferences.

Mastering The Art Of Sesame Chicken: Top Tips

The magic of sesame chicken isn’t just in its taste but also in its captivating appearance and texture. To help you replicate this favorite with finesse in your kitchen, here’s a refined list of pro tips:

  1. Silky Sauce Creation:
    Ensure a lump-free sauce by using a beater to blend your ingredients. This helps the cornstarch blend effortlessly, yielding a silky texture perfect for coating the chicken. Whether you prefer your chicken in bite-sized morsels or larger chunks depends on your serving preference. A beater works wonders for the initial sauce and the sesame variant – wave goodbye to uneven mixtures!
  2. Enhancing Flavor With Sesame Oil:
    While you might be tempted to use other oils, sesame oil offers a unique depth of flavor. For optimal results, generously coat a non-stick pan with it. The distinct aromatic undertones it lends will take your dish up a notch.
  3. Consistent Cooking Is Crucial:
    Slow and steady does the trick when cooking the chicken. Regularly flip the pieces to ensure they cook uniformly and take on a gorgeous golden shade.
  4. Effortless Sauce Infusion:
    With the essence of sesame oil from the pan-cooking, skip the extra dish and introduce your sauce directly to the pan after frying. Any residual batter bits will only enrich the sauce’s flavor.
  5. The Perfect Sauce Consistency:
    Let your sauce bubble away until it achieves a glossy, rich glaze. The transition from a watery mix to a velvety sauce is sheer joy.
  6. Marrying Chicken With The Sauce:
    Once you’ve nailed the sauce consistency, reintroduce the fried chicken. Coat every piece thoroughly, ensuring maximum flavor in each bite.
  7. The Final Touch:
    Elevate your dish visually and tastefully with a sprinkle of roasted sesame seeds and a dash of freshly chopped green onions. These elements not only beautify the dish but also add exciting flavor contrasts.

Armed with these guidelines, embark on a gastronomic journey and serve up a plate of sesame chicken that’s as delightful to the eyes as it is to the palate. Happy cooking!

Our Almost Low-Carb Sesame Chicken And Sesame Sauce Recipe

Almost Low-Carb Sesame Chicken & Sesame Sauce Recipe

Recipe by Anita Hummel
0.0 from 0 votes
Course: MainCuisine: AsianDifficulty: Medium


Prep time


Cooking time


Total time



We’ve affectionately called this our “Almost Low-Carb Sesame Chicken & Sauce Delight.” Though not entirely keto or low-carb, this rendition is crafted with fewer carbs, skipping the typical white flour. The real charm? It packs a flavor punch that surpasses restaurant offerings while being a healthier alternative.


  • For The Chicken
  • 1 1/2 Pounds chicken breasts

  • 2 Eggs beaten

  • Salt And Pepper to taste

  • 1/2 Cup Almond Flour

  • 1/2 Cup Cornstarch

  • Sesame Oil For Frying

  • For The Sauce
  • 2 Cloves Minced Garlic

  • 1/4 Cup Honey

  • 1/3 Cup Soy Sauce

  • 1/2 Cup Ketchup

  • 3 Tablespoon Monk Fruit Sugar

  • 2 Tablespoons Rice Vinegar

  • 2 Teaspoon Cornstarch

  • For Garnish
  • 2 Tablespoons Roasted Sesame Seeds

  • 2 Tablespoons Sliced Green Onions


  • In a bowl, whisk together eggs, salt, and pepper for the chicken dipping sauce until well combined.
  • Gradually add almond flour and cornstarch, using a beater, to ensure a smooth mixture.
  • Prepare the sauce by combining the honey, soy sauce, ketchup, monk fruit sugar, rice vinegar, and cornstarch thoroughly in another bowl. Set it aside for later.
  • Dip each piece of chicken into the egg and almond flour mixture, ensuring it’s well-coated. Then, dip it again for a second coat.
  • Pour sesame oil into the bottom of a non-stick frying pan, ensuring it covers the entire base. Begin cooking the chicken pieces in the oil.
  • Continue cooking, frequently turning the chicken, until it is fully cooked and has a golden-brown exterior.
  • Remove the fully cooked chicken from the pan and set it aside.
  • Add the garlic into the pan and stir constantly until brown
  • Pour the sauce mixture into the same pan and let it simmer for a few minutes or until it thickens.
  • As the sauce thickens, reintroduce the chicken to the pan, turning to ensure every piece is coated evenly with the sauce.
  • Transfer the chicken and sauce onto a serving plate and garnish with roasted sesame seeds and chopped green onions before serving.


  • If lavish sauce is your thing, particularly to accompany rice, think about making twice the sauce mentioned in the recipe. I have a penchant for teaming the chicken with brown rice, and there’s nothing quite like the luxury of surplus sauce to go with it.

Anita Hummel
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